Optimising Energy Usage Through Small Insignificant Steps
Solar energy is one of the most abundantly available renewable energy sources on our planet. Solar energy has a potential of 178 Billion MW, which translates to 20,000 times the world's demand for energy. As responsible patrons of solar energy, we should not just use this solar energy effectively but efficiently also. Optimisation is the key to bringing in efficiency. Therefore, by adopting small but insignificant measures "consistently" collectively, we can achieve significant results and substantially impact the environment. This goal may seem ambitious for beginners, but with the right attitude, change is just around the corner.
But, how do you bring in the change?
First, let us have a change in mindset! Since its invention, electricity has become an indispensable part of our lives. We don't have second thoughts while consuming it, whether it is watching our favorite shows on television, running electrical home appliances, illuminating our house with decorative lights, etc. Little do we bother about how that electricity is being generated and the cost that we, or the future generation, will pay for the luxury we enjoy today. Well, times have changed. The world is now increasingly aware of the carbon footprint that conventional electricity generation methods are bringing, and an increasing number of people are moving to solar energy.
Now, with solar energy, we hold the most significant responsibility to make an impact on the environment by not just using the solar energy but by using it mindfully too. Carefully examine where and at what time of the day you use energy. Scrutinize if you could complete energy-consuming tasks during the day when there is a constant inflow of solar energy. For instance, consider if 10,000 homes in Canberra decide to run their dishwashers and washing machines during the day using solar energy every day for a year. Then, collectively for a year, they can save 1500MW of power, equivalent to avoiding burning 4920 Tonnes of carbon fuel. These numbers incentivize us to do our part for our environment.
Tips on optimizing your solar energy
Embracing solar energy is one of the most cost-effective means of using sustainable renewable energy. Once installed, solar panels can generate electricity for years and enable you to recover the installation cost quickly.
However, to optimize the performance of your solar panels, start by choosing Solar professionals. They are experts who understand your requirements well and recommend products that fit your need. They also carry out effective installations to catch sunlight at the best possible angles and avoid shady patches, thus, improving the energy output from the panels.
You can further improve solar efficiency by installing a solar battery that can reserve excess electricity generated during the day. You can use this electricity at night or when sunlight is inadequate. While using the battery, ensure that you are not using multiple electrical appliances simultaneously, which might overload the battery and drain it soon. Instead, you could space out the usage or, even better, use them during the day when there is an abundant supply of solar energy.
Extreme summer and peak winters are energy-consuming times of the year when electricity bills shoot up because the house's cooling and heating expend a lot of energy. So regularly check the insulation in your home. A well-insulated house stops air leaks and puts less pressure on the cooling and heating equipment to maintain the temperature inside the house, which further saves on solar energy.
Several monitoring apps are available to track your solar performance, energy usage in your house, weather forecasts, electricity bills, and so on. By evaluating such metrics, you can decide how to optimize and maximize energy generated from your solar system.
Now that we understand that it takes more than just installing solar panels to use solar energy optimally, it is imperative that we inculcate those tiny yet meaningful habits into our routine and make solar efficiency a norm. Like the famous saying, "Little drops of water make the mighty ocean," you'll never know; today's small insignificant practices will create a better and bright future!